Emory Conference Center Hotel / Lobby Renovation
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SunGard Availability Services / Midtown / Emergency Generator Addition
In the Midtown location, a storage area was converted into an area to house a 1,500 HP Caterpillar Emergency Generator, Switchgear, and UPS system for redundant power support. HEI saw-cut and removed 200 sf of existing interior slab-on-grade concrete and excavated down 5 feet to install a 1’0” mat slab, strip footings, and foundations walls to accommodate the load of the emergency generator and fuel tank. A portion of the exterior CMU building wall was removed for installation of the emergency generator. The wall was modified to house a 20 x 10 motorized damper for the generator’s exhaust system. The generator muffler penetrated the roof and required shielding from public view. Steel roof framing, clad in stucco, was installed to comply with the Atlanta City Alliance “view” code requirements. Ten steel columns were installed in the warehouse area to support new structural framing required for rooftop cooling equipment. During construction of the power upgrade, HEI simultaneously relocated and remodeled the main entry lobby, various offices, and hallways. All work was complete without interruption to SunGard’s daily business operations.
SunGard Availability Services
HEI performed numerous additional projects for the Midtown, Alpharetta, and Smyrna locations. These projects were developed from the relationship established during the 2007 Midtown Data Center Addition. All project construction was performed while the facilities were fully operational, in a dust-free environment. HEI utilizes a new negative air and filtration process to keep the construction site virtually dust-free. All work performed in electrical panels are on a lock-out and tag-out system. An MOP or Method of Procedures must be written up for any work that may require a shut down of the main power and a switch over to temporary redundant power.
Inflow / SunGard Availability Services
In 2007, HEI performed a 10,000 SF data expansion in the Midtown location for the former owner Inflow, with 75 watts/SF of leasable client space. The expansion required six new CRAC units with associated rooftop units to accommodate the projected heat load. Supplemental structural steel was installed below the underside of the existing metal deck and roof joist for support of the new RTUs and Cooling Tower. HEI installed 10,000 SF of raised access flooring, which provided an accessible plenum for below floor electrical troughs and CRAC unit piping.
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The project started as the renovation of the Methodist Church